ok as previous post da ckp presntation audit setle.
n skrg nk uplod gmbr2 ngn my grupmates.
*girls, thanx 4evrything, im happy+njoy worked together wf u all*
very the multi-racial ;)
*frm left: chiew ying ,farra dedikx, ambika best,sangeta rajin,may ying,azee,poova,elaine, cma & me. june & catherine not in de pic.*
*malay div ;)*
owh LEGA 1 presntation da abis. tggl utk BKE.
btw, ni 1st time wat asgmnt ngn the Chinese, & the Indian.
owh sgt njoy wat ngn deorg, seme best2.
*keep in touch okeh*
itu cte hepy, the worse thing psl this presentation, ,
owh kinda mara n bengang kat 1 grup tuh!
*owh my GROUPMATES sure u all tahu saper kan??*
well. nk wat cm ner,but still xsker giler nk mati ngn deorang, kiinda RUDE!!
ok2 da xmo mara.
waiting 4sangeeta tu sent the presentation video.
*wanna 2c camne i present =p*
n skrg nk uplod gmbr2 ngn my grupmates.
*girls, thanx 4evrything, im happy+njoy worked together wf u all*
very the multi-racial ;)

owh LEGA 1 presntation da abis. tggl utk BKE.
btw, ni 1st time wat asgmnt ngn the Chinese, & the Indian.
owh sgt njoy wat ngn deorg, seme best2.
*keep in touch okeh*
itu cte hepy, the worse thing psl this presentation, ,
owh kinda mara n bengang kat 1 grup tuh!
*owh my GROUPMATES sure u all tahu saper kan??*
well. nk wat cm ner,but still xsker giler nk mati ngn deorang, kiinda RUDE!!
ok2 da xmo mara.
waiting 4sangeeta tu sent the presentation video.
*wanna 2c camne i present =p*
aynn kedongdong. HAHAHAHAHA weyh tukarla skit2 letak chatbox ke. almaklumla kan ko kan thelittlequeen (muntah2) HAHAHAAHHA:p
wekk.. ishh nnti i bubuh laaa.. eii aku nk edit layout pon xreti. ishh. kamu aja la weh.. nnti i bg joe jonas tuh kt kamu ekh. =p
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