AIS 2 optional asgmnent DONE.
thanx zira tlg bnyk giler.
heh aynn g tutor serupe xg, kan fara? =p
tnsyen gle nk mati wt asgmnt nih, berejam!
audit test this tues, 2pm.
satu aper pon xx study lg.
BKE presentation this thus.
satu aper info x cari lg.
test tax2 smlm giler susah nk mati.
study serupe x study jerk.
5Qs. 20m each Q.
mcm final.
esok class c.a kol 8am.
terpkse pegi.
sbb da lame giler nk mati xg.
9hours da skip.
sbb bek sir x update attendance.
kalo x sure2 da kne bar.
skrg tgh addict lagu baru suki.
both version best.
lyric sempoi giler + music funky catchy.
next entry la bubuh lagu tuh.
skrg mls nk cari.
see... what fara did to me.

time nih tgh EMO.
emo ker??
fara tmbh hjau pink tuh utk nmpk ke emo an nyer.
ciss ciis!
ader lori ader bus.
1 hari i akan balas. ;p
ok nytes people.
thanx zira tlg bnyk giler.
heh aynn g tutor serupe xg, kan fara? =p
tnsyen gle nk mati wt asgmnt nih, berejam!
audit test this tues, 2pm.
satu aper pon xx study lg.
BKE presentation this thus.
satu aper info x cari lg.
test tax2 smlm giler susah nk mati.
study serupe x study jerk.
5Qs. 20m each Q.
mcm final.
esok class c.a kol 8am.
terpkse pegi.
sbb da lame giler nk mati xg.
9hours da skip.
sbb bek sir x update attendance.
kalo x sure2 da kne bar.
skrg tgh addict lagu baru suki.
both version best.
lyric sempoi giler + music funky catchy.
next entry la bubuh lagu tuh.
skrg mls nk cari.
see... what fara did to me.

time nih tgh EMO.
emo ker??
fara tmbh hjau pink tuh utk nmpk ke emo an nyer.
ciss ciis!
ader lori ader bus.
1 hari i akan balas. ;p
ok nytes people.
haha..itu konon2 nye mcm kuasa letrik gitu la..konon2 ko emo smpi kuar powerr..hek3..
huhu..ko dah siap aku blom lg..nnt tumpang yer after midterm audit..
haihhh..sem ni makin menjadi2 kan kite nye 'KERAJINAN' ke kelas..wuwuwu..haihhh2...
wow! cm super saiya aa! HAHAHAHA.ko tau x super saiya tuh ape? NGEH2 :P
kalau aku..aku tau..dragon ballz kan2?? btul x??ahaha...mcm rambut goku..muahahahaa...:))
hahaha.ya btul cik farah:P
ciss2. mntang i x tahu super saiya tuh aper..
credit to fara 4de super saiya~
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